Saturday, August 27, 2011

FACT mix 277, Blogger Errors, and more

I would like to direct you attention to a great track I found today (
It really is inexplicable, so you'll have to check it out for yourself. 
There is a wide variety of genres in this single mix, so it should be pretty enjoyable for anyone.
On another note, I tried commenting on some peoples blogs today and was greeted with a message claiming I did not have permission to do so.  After some quick research it appears it was a problem with cookies, but I don't really want to mess with that right now.
Also, tommorow I'll be moving into my dorm for my freshman year at DePaul University, which should be really really cool, I think.
I'd like to hear about Hurricane Irene from some first hand experiences, so if any of you are affected directly, or indirectly, feel free to blog about it/comment here.

That's all for now


  1. Checking out the mix right now. As for the problem with cookies, clearing them usually fixes them :)

  2. good luck with the first days of your college life, just remember to not party too much. Btw, followed.

  3. Good luck at school. Also, I'd like to know about people who experienced Irene too

  4. Hey thanks for the mention. It is indeed an awesome mix.
